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the access pairs, each causing a certain dependence as determined by the dependence module; the access pairs are used to determine which variable has to be sent/received in a distributed memory model.
the list of dependences; for each dependence listed here and each copy of statements concerning this dependencegif, a send/receive pair is produced, using the h-transformations given in this file (modified by transformation matrices which are produced by targgen), in order to determine the sending and receiving processor, respectively.
the index spaces of statements (divided into source and target spaces with respect to a certain dependence); they are used to decide whether a send/receive statement really has to be executed.
the source parse tree is needed to standardize the transformation matrices produced by targgen so that they fit together with the h-transformations produced by the dependence module.
the target parse tree that is to be printed.
the target transformation matrices produced by targgen which define mappings from the old (source) indices to the new (target) indices introduced by targgen; these mappings are used to produce h-transformations for the target program from the h-transformations computed by the dependence module.
the language description file containing information about the syntax of the output language
(The LooPo library directory <LIBDIR> is usually <LooPoDir>/lib, and the canonical form of <language_file> is <language>.lang, where <language> is the desired output language.)
the renaming configuration file containing the preferences about the names given to the target indices introduced by the targgen module (whether or not they are called loopo_targgen_<n>))
The default value for <renaming_file> is rename.conf.

Martin Griebl
Wed Apr 24 11:24:00 MET DST 1996