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The target output module targout is used to print the parse tree generated by targgen in a language chosen from a variety of possible output languages. These are described in so-called language description files found in the LooPo library directory. The main task of the targout module is to produce output that may (after re-establishing a complete program from the program part processed by LooPo) be compiled into a binary for a PARIXgif-machine.

As the targgen module does not consider the need for sending and receiving data in a distributed memory model or the need for synchronisation of any kind, these statements are produced by targout, if indicated by the comm- or sync-option, respectively (see below).

A detailed description of an earlier version of the targout module can be found in [Fab95] (text in German).

Martin Griebl
Wed Apr 24 11:24:00 MET DST 1996