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Rename loop indices:
if set, the indices of the target loops are renamed according to the renaming_file; otherwise the automatically generated internal names are used.
Distinguish between doall and doacross:
if set, there will be different do statements for parallel loops carrying a dependence (doacross loops) than for loops that may be executed in parallel independently from each other (doall loops).
Count Statements:
if set, the statement number is printed before each statement as a remark.
Test whether enough processors available:
if set, there will be an if statement before the outermost loop testing, if there are enough processors available to cover the whole index space put up by the parallel loops.
Output of synchronisation statements:
if set to norm, a barrier statement is placed after each parallel loop; if set to on, a barrier statement is placed before the end of each sequential loop.
Output of communication statements:
if set to on, send and receive statements are printed for every dependence; if set to norm, send/receive statements are only printed if the sending processor may be another one than the receiving processor; if set to off, no communication statements are printed.
Output language:
the desired output language; currently, the following languages are available:
Channel declaration:
if the output language supports communication via channels, these channels may be declared at the beginning of the program part or before the outermost loop in which they are being used; if additional variables have to be declared, they are declared at the same position as the corresponding channels.

Note that there are combinations of options which result in programs that are not executable on a real machine: On a distributed memory system, communication must be set to norm or on; on a shared memory system, synchronisation must be set to on.

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Martin Griebl
Wed Apr 24 11:24:00 MET DST 1996