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Allocator dimensions:
One either chooses a fixed dimensionality greater than 1 for the allocation or, in the case of 0, the dimensionality is set to the maximal dimensionality of the index spaces reduced by the dimensionality of the schedule (default dimensionality).
Statements with insufficient dimensions:
can either be skipped in the allocation process, i.e., their allocation does not get a higher dimensionality than their default dimensionality, or their allocations are computed until the desired dimensionality is reached (even by filling up with zero entries, if necessary). The latter guarantees the same dimensionality for all statements.
Method by statement/by iteration:
as in the Feautrier scheduler.
Sort dependences by communications value:
enables the greedy default method. The allocator uses the order of dependences in the input file if this option is switched off.

Martin Griebl
Wed Apr 24 11:24:00 MET DST 1996