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LooPo is a project at the Chair for Programming at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Passau. It is a prototype system to assist us in the research on and evaluation of space-time mapping methods for loop parallelization. To that end, it implements the complete path from executable source code to executable target code, with switches for choosing alternative methods. LooPo is part of the DFG-funded project RecuR (Regular Concurrency in Recursions).

The first phase, an implementation of space-time mapping methods for nested [Len93], started in late 1994. The second phase is due to start in mid 1996 and will give LooPo the capability of dealing with in the loop nest [LG95].

With Martin Griebl as the project manager, up to now, eleven students have been involved in the implementation of different modules. The LooPo team can be contacted by email at There is a web-page for more information about LooPo at

The current version (1.0) of LooPo including the source code in C++ and the front end in Tcl/Tk is available under the general public gnu license. LooPo will only use freely available software to enable a wide-spread use. LooPo runs on Sun workstations under SunOS 4.1.x and Solaris 2.x, and on PCs under Linux. For instructions on how to install LooPo see Section 4.

Martin Griebl
Wed Apr 24 11:24:00 MET DST 1996