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Uni-Passau FMI Lehrstuhl für Programmierung


The publications by the group of Prof. Lengauer are listed below. Each title is an anchor to a file containing more detailed information concerning the respective paper, including a BibTeX entry and links to the paper's contents in various formats.

The list opens with general surveys and is divided into four main topics our group has been engaged in:

Indented publications are partial or previous versions.

Notice: Copyrights to the following papers are held by the publishers. Copies made available here are preprints. Please treat these materials in a way consistent with the "fair use" provisions of appropriate copyright law.

General Surveys

Program Generation

Feature-Oriented Programming

Metaprogramming Parallelism

Automatic Parallelization





Flow Analysis

Systematic Design of Parallel Algorithms and Programs


Programming with Collective Operations and Skeletons

Design by Transformation, Homomorphisms, and BMF

Linear Recursion

Parallelism in Object Orientation


Christian Lengauer, 26.04.2006