LooPo is a project of the Chair for Programming at the Department of Informatics and Mathematics of the University of Passau. Its purpose has been to develop prototype implementation of loop parallelization methods based on the polyhedral model. LooPo has been traversing a number of partially overlapping phases, which we identify by the years of their start:
The distribution contains the complete source code of LooPo, written in C++, with a front-end in Tcl/Tk and a new frontend in Java (in development). LooPo uses only freely available software to enable a wide-spread use. LooPo is known to run on Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD (and probably other *nix operating systems).
LooPo is being provided "as is" and has been put under the GNU General Public License. It contains the CLooG code generator (by Cédric Bastoul) and relies on externally installed PIPlib (required), PolyLib (required), Barvinok (optional) and Omega (optional).